Scenes from a walk…

Alfie says, let’s get this show on the road!

Golden hour shadows.

The full range of the human experience…

…in chalk, on the sidewalk.

I had to look this up this tree…it’s called a golden medallion tree. Beautiful!

Pink plumeria.

I’m always up for some weird cloud action.

August at Bolsa Chica wetlands…

No birds. Although there was a jumping fish that I never managed to get a photo of.

No birds. Although there were some butterflies that I never managed to get a photo of, because they wouldn’t hold still.

There was this guy, though. A side-blotched lizard, which I’ve never seen before. They are quite territorial, and he kindly escorted me out of the area.

Some day I’ll take the walk to the mesa. But you can bet it won’t be in August.

Sights from a walk…

On our way…

There’s several enormous plumerias on our route. I can never get them past the “dead looking stick” stage.

Somebody loves somebody.

Everything’s peachy so far.

Leaf print.

Weird, beautiful unsettled sky. This is usually a spring or fall thing.

A rare right-angle palm.

Looks complicated.

I’ve always liked this tile that someone stuck on their fence.

A particularly beautiful hibiscus.

Life…uh…finds a way.

Alfie always tries to rile up the neighborhood dogs.

Another month, another racetrack…

How could I have missed the Wiener Nationals! It’s the greatest show on earth!

Past the stands for the first time.

And #2 takes them wire-to-wire!

I love this corny mural at the entrance to the indoor paddock.

Longest home stretch in the United States.

Another goofy mural by someone who may have glimpsed a horse at one time and is painting from memory.

This guy looks…concerned.

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None of these are mine. I tossed them in the trash like a responsible horse player.